Photo Competition on Instagram

Participate now in our Photo Competition! We will give an Amazon Check of € 50 and a € 15 to the two winning photos! Instructions: ✅ SUBMIT A PHOTOGRAPH to your Instagram account where a shop, of the same products described in chapter 10 of the book DISEQUILIBRIUMS The Individuals, can be see anywhere in […]

Thank you very much for helping to improve the beta version of the game!

Many thanks to all those who have contributed comments to the Beta version of the video game Disequilibriums. That allowed the developer to improve the application so that you can enjoy much more. You will need to download it in ANDROID on this new web address: Https:// Thank you also for helping us to distribute […]

Hidden geometry

Do you know the meaning of the DISEQUILIBRIUMS´ symbol? How many geometrical figures can you see? … Are you sure about the number? Start focusing on the eight pointed star in the middle of the symbol. Do you want to know the meaning of that?

2030 years ago…

Do you know what happened 2030 years ago on 23rd December? Do you know what is happening this coming 23rd December 2016? Only few people know … but they have not said anything to anyone.